We have recently published a status page for our Cloud based document generation service.
This provides Cloud users with an up-to-the-minute indication of the health of the document generation service across various regions.
Users should subscribe to notifications from the Status page, so they are alerted of upcoming maintenance events or if the status changes.
Status Page Location
The new Status page can be found at https://www.docmosis.com/status.
The Status page will be our primary method for communicating with users about the health of the Cloud document generation service.
Status Page Statistics
The Status page shows the Up Time and Response Time for the various Docmosis endpoints, grouped by geographic region.
The Up Time statistics show the result of generating a document using the /services/rs/render endpoint. The test is a deep test, which includes sending data to the service and checking that the generated document that is streamed back contains the injected data.
The Response Time statistics are showing the time taken to generate a single page, including sending the data and receiving back the streamed document.
You may be aware of the problems in early Mar 2017 with AWS S3 storage. This was quite a large scale failure and the first of its kind in years. You can find a summary of the event from Amazon here: https://aws.amazon.com/message/41926/
That event had some impact on the document generation provided by Docmosis – mainly on the DWS2 service in the USA-EAST region. In other regions the document generation service continued to operate, with some impact on logging in to the Cloud Console and managing templates experienced by some users.
In response to the recent AWS S3 outage, we have accelerated our plans for making visible the monitoring of our service. We have been collecting Up Time and Response Time stats since late 2016. View our Public Monitoring blog.
Any comments or feedback would be appreciated and can be sent to support@docmosis.com.